Important Note: The addon has been temporarily taken down from the Google Drive marketplace due to excessive usage that sent the server bill through the roof and exhausted the “free” plans for the 3rd party APIs it was relying upon. I’ll be working on performance improvements and a payment system so the addon can use paid 3rd party APIs that offer much higher throughput. Follow me on Twitter (@barretodavid) to get updates on its development.
The Elliptical addon for Google Sheets is a bundle of custom functions that allows you to collect and display data related to Axie Infinity on a Google Spreadsheet. This tool is targeted at people who manage an Axie Infinity scholarship program and want more flexibility and extensibility than web apps already available in the market.
All custom functions provided by the addon are prefixed with the letters “ELP” (Elliptical) to make them easy to find and to avoid name collisions with other addons. Each custom function is documented to make them easy to use.
Function List
The autocomplete functionality of Google Sheets only shows up to ten results so not every function available is displayed. The full list of functions is shown below along with a short description of its functionality.
ELP_COIN_PRICE(symbol: string, date?: Date)
Fetches the price in USD of the provided crypto or fiat currency on the defined date
Returns the “name” of the account associated with a Ronin wallet address
Returns the amount of AXS held by a Ronin wallet address
Returns the amount of AXS staked
Returns the current rewards for staking AXS
Returns the amount of WETH held by a Ronin wallet address
Returns the amount of SLP that has already been claimed for a Ronin wallet address
Returns the amount of SLP that has not been claimed for a Ronin wallet address
Returns the amount of SLP earned by a Ronin wallet address since its creation
Returns the player’s MMR associated with a Ronin wallet address
Returns the player’s rank associated with a Ronin wallet address
Returns the last date SLP was claimed for a Ronin wallet address
Returns the next date SLP can be claimed for a Ronin wallet address
Returns the number of axies held by a Ronin wallet address
Returns the approximate value in ETH of the axies held by a Ronin wallet address
ELP_AXIE_FLOOR_PRICE(baseClass, mouth, back, tail, horns, breedCount, pureness)
Fetches the Axie marketplace floor price in ETH based on search criteria
Calculates the amount of AXS needed to breed two parents multiple times
Calculates the amount of SLP needed to breed two parents multiple times
Icons made by tulpahn from www.flaticon.com