StarkNet ERC721 Workshop: Exercise 7

Note: This article was updated on Sep 20th, 2022 to use Cairo 0.10

Adding Metadata

  • Create a new ERC721 contract that supports metadata. You can use this contract as a base
  • The base token URI is the chosen IPFS gateway
  • You can upload your NFTs directly on this website
  • Your tokens should be visible on Oasis once minted!
  • Deploy your new contract
  • Call submit_exercise() in the Evaluator to configure the contract you want evaluated
  • Claim points on ex7_add_metadata (2 pts)
Continue reading “StarkNet ERC721 Workshop: Exercise 7”

StarkNet ERC721 Workshop: Exercise 5

Note: This article was updated on Sep 20th, 2022 to use Cairo 0.10

Adding Permissions and Payments

  • Use dummy token faucet to get dummy tokens
  • Use ex5a_i_have_dtk() to show you managed to use the faucet (2 pts)
  • Create a function to allow breeder registration.
  • This function should charge the registrant for a fee, paid in dummy tokens (check registration_price)
  • Add permissions. Only allow listed breeders should be able to create animals
  • Deploy your new contract
  • Call submit_exercise() in the Evaluator to configure the contract you want evaluated
  • Call ex5b_register_breeder() to prove your function works. If needed, send dummy tokens first to the evaluator (2pts)
Continue reading “StarkNet ERC721 Workshop: Exercise 5”

StarkNet ERC721 Workshop: Exercise 4

Note: This article was updated on Sep 20th, 2022 to use Cairo 0.10

Burning NFTs

  • Create a function to allow breeders to declare dead animals (burn the NFT)
  • Deploy your new contract
  • Call submit_exercise() in the Evaluator to configure the contract you want evaluated
  • Call ex4_declare_dead_animal() to get points (2 pts)
Continue reading “StarkNet ERC721 Workshop: Exercise 4”

NFTs and Decentralized Storage

In a previous article I showed you the risks of owning an NFT when its assets are stored on a regular server (AWS, Dropbox, etc.). In our story, Bob, the creator of the NFT, was able to play some tricks on Jim, the owner of the NFT, because he had complete control over the server where the assets of the NFT (image and metadata) were stored.

Continue reading “NFTs and Decentralized Storage”

Axie Infinity and the Power of Blockchain Games

Updated on August 23rd 2021

These days everyone has already heard about cryptocurrencies and a growing number of people have even purchased assets like bitcoin and ether. But cryptocurrencies are just the tip of the iceberg of what blockchain technologies can do. Last year the biggest news in the space was DeFi and although it’s an interesting space it didn’t drive a significant level of adoption to the blockchain. This year however seems to be the year of the NFTs and in particular, the year of the blockchain games.

Continue reading “Axie Infinity and the Power of Blockchain Games”