Radar (2013)

Radar is a web application dedicated to monitoring the performance of a Radio Access Network of any telecommunication company. In its first stage it was limited to the WCDMA technology from the vendors Ericsson and Huawei.

Radar was developed using HTML, CSS, Javascript, jQuery, jQueryUI, Bootstrap, LESS, Python, Django y PostgreSQL.

Below screenshots of the system with fake data

Line and area charts combined with tooltip
Multiple line chart with tooltip
Stacked columns expanded
Stacked columns and line charts in different y-axis with tooltip
Multiple line chart with tooltip
Stacked columns chart
Smart filter: Selecting the option “Todos” (spanish for “all”) on the NodeB selector, the Sector filter deactivates
Date widget (jQueryUI)
Smart Filter: Selecting queries by Busy Hour (Hora Pico) deactivates the hour selectors
Smart Filter: It allows to filter the selector’s options introducing a search string