Customer Relationship Manager (2012)

This web application, classified as a CRM (Customer Relationship Manager), was developed in 2012 and helped them to manage their customers, sales, payments, inventory, events, commercial balances, etc. This ambitious project was created in 2012 using Symfony 2 as the backend framework (PHP), MySQL for the database and jQuery-UI for templates and widgets.

The system was divided in three major subsystems, the Superuser System where the administrators could manage all the information, the Franchise Subsystem, where people could manage their franchise finance and own customers and the Customer Subsystem where each customer could review and edit their own information. The system’s language is Spanish.

The following images are screenshots of the system adapted to the brand of a client ( All the data shown is fictional and does not belong to a real company.

Superuser Subsystem

List of all franchises available in the system
List of all franchises available in the system


Franchise Detail
Franchise detail


Editing a franchise
Editing a franchise


Editing a franchise (showing date widget and system notifications)
Editing a franchise (showing date widget and system notifications)


Franchise Subsystem

Client search with instant filters
Client search with instant filters


Creation of a new monitoring contract
Creation of a new monitoring contract


Invoice creation
Invoice creation


Invoice detail with payments list
Invoice detail with payments list


Franchise account balance
Franchise account balance


Calendar of events
Calendar of events


Client Subsystem

List of customer's locations
List of customer’s locations